Dioxins and Furans
Our Method 23 Source Sampler Kit is utilized for Method 23 Determination of Dioxins and Furans (D/F’s) and/or Method 0010 Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds. The sampling train is identical to the standard Method 5 system with the addition of a water-cooled glass condenser and an XAD absorbent module followed by a knockout impinger. The XAD is loaded with Amberlite resin and spiked prior to use and the spike is recovered along with the sample capture as a quality control procedure. During transportation and sampling the XAD trap must be protected from UV light by covering with aluminum foil as UV light penetration will deteriorate the D/F capture and spike. The XAD trap is then analyzed via Gas Chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS).

esigned to meet US EPA Methods 1,2,3,4,5 our Method 5 system for sampling total suspended particulates this system can be configured in both the rigid and flexible arrangements to meet the challenges of each sampling location. The system can be customized with different probe lengths, umbilical lengths, stainless steel or glass impingers, specialty high temp or high corrosive alloys and manual or automated consoles to suit any sampling location.

Heavy Metals
The METHOD 29 determination of metal emissions from stationary sources like hazardous waste incinerators involves a modification of the Method 5 sampling system. The sampling train is the same as a Method 5 particulate train with the addition of up to three impingers to enhance the collection of metals of interest. The impinger train requires a larger impinger cold box as well as glass nozzles & probe liner as specified in the Method. It also requires non-metallic unions in all places prior to the impinger exit. The method has been validated for the collection of 17 different metals.